Having tea at any point will always be soothing for both your throat and your body. And nothing is better suited to bringing your spirits up than some good old black tea with lemons.
But why, you may ask? Can’t I just have milk tea to have the same relaxation and bliss I usually get? Well, black tea with lemons is a lot more than a little means of relaxing.
The benefits of black tea with lemons include an immunity boost, a better digestive system, improved concentration and enhanced senses.
That’s just what black Tea can give you! Lemon assists your metabolism, helps in removing weight and gives your skin a radiant glow!
According to The Healthline, the benefits can potentially lower the risk of people having a stroke and even cancer! If you have been drinking more black tea with lemons daily due to your genetic disposition, you are less likely to have a stroke, and while much of the research is still unclear, it can slow the growth of some cancer cells as well as cause them to die.
After a long day’s work and you are at your limit, the benefits of black tea with lemons will be sure to make your body, mind and even soul, at ease and comfortable from all the stress you have accumulated.
Now that you have a much better idea as to how black tea can help you, let’s have a deep dive into why that is.
There are a lot of wonderful benefits of black tea with lemons, from giving your body a calm and soothing experience and giving your heart a health check to making sure you have good oral hygiene and giving your skin a nice, shiny glow!
It also has a very low-calorie count, making it favorable to those who are looking for a healthy and tasty drink that gives all the nutrients your body needs in a nice and small package!
It can also be used as comfort food, as it provides your nervous system with some relaxants to release any stress built up within the body, therefore making it a very popular choice to try out.
Not to mention, it is extremely easy to make! All you need are some crushed tea leaves, some water, and some lemon juice or extract. To add some flavouring, you can add some honey or sugar to improve the experience.
Just because Black Tea with Lemons is healthy, does not mean it should be consumed regularly. WebMD has stated that overconsumption of Black Tea has led to the erosion of tooth enamel due to lemon’s acidity, heartburn and stomach acidity, so be sure to rinse your mouth after having some black tea with lemons as a precautionary method.
It is advisable to have this at least once or twice a day. Keep it very moderate, as the black tea is meant to relax your body, not energize it.
Another important thing to note is that you do not replace any medication related to your health with Black Tea with lemons, as it is merely meant to calm your body down, not cure it of any ailments you might be having.
Black tea happens to be the most popular tea worldwide and will continue to be so, not because of its relaxing properties but because of its enormous potential to help soothe any ailments you have.
Adding some lemon extract or juice to it gives it an extra zing to the flavor, improving the bitterness it comes with an almost sour yet nutritious taste.
It continues to be a healthy alternative for those who wish to try tea without any repercussions with calorie intake, weight gain, and bodily-related functions.
The information below is all made to educate and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult a dietitian for a much better idea and what you should consider doing.