Friday, October 18 ,2024

Wellhealth Ayurvedic Health Tips - Healing Through Nature

Ayurveda is an ancient medical practice that focuses on healing and precautionary measures rather than adopting a treatment with side-effects. This ancient practice in India originated around 5000 years ago and has stood the test of time. The approach of Ayurveda is of balancing the inner mechanism of the human body with the help of diet changes and a blend of natural herbs which is prepared according to the individual’s requirement rather than “one size fits all”. Although, modernity has left a negative impact on the science of Ayurveda, but it still carries enough weight to stand the test of time as it always has. In this article, we will cover some basic and important information regarding Ayurveda, it’s combination with modern approach treatments, and additional health tips.

Ayurveda & its significance for health

The ancient science, Ayurveda carries a lot of importance in the medical treatments of people since ages. The science of Ayurveda rests on the fact that the human body has come from nature and hence, all the treatments for its ailments come from the nature too. As the human body gets its nourishment from nature, in the same manner, a cure is also hidden in it.

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Ayurveda rests on the fact that the human body has five basic elements; namely, space, air, fire, water, and earth. These five elements altogether form three main doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. These doshas or energies, in other words must be in balance for a good health, or else it could give rise to diseases and discomfort.

Wellhealth Ayurvedic Health Tips to maintain healthy body & mind

There are some basic steps to take to maintain an ideal health of body and mind that Ayurveda suggests. Along with these activities, the custom amalgamation of herbs can provide a long-lasting relief to anyone dealing with a discomfort or disease. Some of the important changes to make in the lifestyle along with Ayurvedic treatments are as follows:

  • Proper Sleep & Rest – Maintaining a proper schedule of sleep and rest is the most important step towards maintaining good health. When the sleep schedule is improper and disturbed, it affects the daily life of an individual and deteriorates health. According to Ayurveda, it is an essential step towards a good health, that a person has maintains a sleep schedule and takes sound sleep to be able to function properly throughout the day. Also, taking rest in the middle of the day is also considered helpful to energize oneself.
  • Waking up early – To maintain a proper sleep schedule and include rest in your day, it is important to wake up early as the day affects the human body in various ways. If the body loses sync with the natural timeline of the day, it develops diseases and makes it weak.
  • Balanced Diet & nutrition – Moving on from sleep and rest, another essential fuel for the body is a balanced diet. Consuming food on time, in the right amount, and consuming a home-cooked meal are some right ways to have a balanced meal. Apart from that, ayurveda also advises against consuming dairy products, sweets, oily foods, spicy foods, carbonate drinks, or eating out frequently.
  • Staying Hydrated – Drinking 1-2 glasses of warm water right after waking up is essential to detoxify oneself. It also helps to start the digestion process and gives a fresh feeling once the body gets dehydrated. Staying hydrated throughout the day is essential as the body is made up mainly of water and the more hydrated it is, the further away it remains from health issues.
  • Yoga & meditation- To balance the three doshas and bring harmony to your health, ayurveda strongly recommends the practice of yoga on a daily basis. There are different kinds of poses and breathing techniques that are recommended to balance the doshas. Yoga encourages flexibility, mental peace, and balance in a person’s body and mind. Although, it is advised to consult a professional yoga practitioner before doing the practices to be able to do them right.

yoga and meditation

  • Ayurvedic herbs- There is a variety of herbs and natural remedies available in Ayurveda to enhance health. These are recommended by a professional according to the symptoms of an individual. Some of the herbs are Turmeric, ashwagandha, tulsi, ginger, triphala, etc. These herbs help with digestion, stress management, reduces inflammation, supports immune system, increases energy, nausea, and various other health issues.
  • Pranayama & Abhyanga- Doing pranayama and other breathing exercises are essential to the practice of Ayurveda. Pranayama can manage the imbalance in the three doshas and restore overall well-being. There are various techniques of doing pranayama such as cooling breath, alternate nostril breathing, kapalabhati, bhastrika, nadi shodhana, etc.
  • Avoid consumption of Alcohol, and smoking- Last but not the least, while following the Ayurvedic tips to regain health, it is best to avoid addictive consumptions such as alcohol, smoking and substance use. Consumption of such substances disturbs the harmony and balance of the doshas and causes various health problems.

Blend of Ayurveda & Modernity

Due to the advent of modern medical practices and technology, the importance of ayurvedic treatments has taken a back seat. But many people have introduced ayurvedic practices in their lives and experienced a change in their overall health. Also, there’s a fresh approach adopted by people to collaborate the benefits of modern health tips with ayurveda. It brings in a holistic approach to health betterment and provides a new perception to treat and cure various health issues. Choosing to do routine health checkups along with following an ayurvedic lifestyle can help to make remarkable changes in the state of health.

wellhealth ayurvedic health tip

Given below are some tips to approach this method in the best way suitable for you:

  • Consultation- It is essential that you must get a doctor’s consultation before you try to move towards the ayurvedic lifestyle. The treatment in ayurveda is customized according to the symptoms of an individual, and after proper examination of the same. The doctor provides a list of foods to avoid, and eat, some herbs and medicines, and recommends some yogic practices to support your recovery. Additionally, you can also show your test report to the doctor to give him a clear idea of your condition.
  • Baby steps- In the beginning, adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle is a difficult thing to do, pertaining to the precautions regarding food. Also, the herbs prepared for you need to be taken timely to attain maximum benefit from the same. To introduce these changes in life suddenly is not possible. Hence, it must be noted that rather than making bigger changes at once, taking small steps and introducing the changes gradually will make them last longer and will provide maximum benefit.
  • Consistency is the key- Any steps taken towards the improve of health requires dedication and consistency for it to have maximum affect. And therefore, it is important to follow the tips regularly and try to adjust to the changes and try to find a balance to maintain your health. By creating small habits, you can gradually build them into a long-lasting way of life.
  • Be mindful- Through yogic and ayurvedic practices, becoming mindful becomes a natural consequence. You start becoming aware of your bodily needs and the changes it requires. So, it is best to listen to your bodily needs and introduce new strategies and changes to reap benefits. The body is intelligent and conveys in various ways about its needs. Hence, there should be a willingness to hear those needs and make necessary altercations.

wellhealth ayurvedic self care

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Ayurveda is a powerful source of bringing positive changes in your lifestyle and improving your well-being. It incorporates a holistic approach and offers various methods to make positive changes in your health. By following a balanced diet, sleep routine, and introducing herbs, yogic practices, and pranayama, one can live a healthy and long life. In today’s day & age where pollution and various other environmental problems are prevalent, Ayurveda is proving to be a savior of human beings. Not only that, its blend with the modern medical checkup approach is another revolutionary step in the field of healthcare.

Although, it does not go by the “one size fits all”, rather there is an absolute need for a person to get in touch with a professional and have a custom-made prescription and diet chart according to doshas of that person. At first, the changes are difficult to make and require attention and care, but with time, this becomes easy and manageable. So, you can start your journey towards Ayurveda from today itself and enjoy good health of yourself and your loved ones.

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Himanshu Verma