Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are becoming more common at an alarming rate, with many diseases such as Gonorrhea and Syphilis skyrocketing globally. Therefore, the need for frequent tests for STDs to identify is of utmost importance and is very beneficial to maintaining great sexual health. If you reside in Chandigarh and are searching for STD Test Packages, you have come to the right place, as Mediyaar Healthcare can give you multiple options of complete and accessible options for you to try and test out. Our website can provide extremely accurate STD results and allows you to focus on something else, taking care of your health till you go for the test package. Our STD test packages in Chandigarh provide accurate results, helping you take timely action for your well-being.
List of STD Test Packages in Chandigarh
Importance of STD Test
STDs are considered a major health concern around the world, with public health and societal concerns which include the potential for infertility, complications related to pregnancy, as well as the increased likelihood of HIV. The importance of undergoing STD testing for the prevention of such diseases is to prevent and treat patients who have any STD, give the required treatment for improving the quality of life and lowering the risk of life-altering complications that may be caused by STDs, and add a sense of significance for STD testing that can help doctors know what status the disease might be in, creating opportunities for better health preservation.
Why Regular STD Testing is Essential?
Many STDs have little to no detectable symptoms, which leads to a lot of patients with STDs being far more vulnerable to serious health risks.
Regular testing can help detect and prevent the spread of infections.
Diseases that do not have any prominent symptoms are often referred to as Asymptomatic Diseases.
STD testing is crucial because it allows medical professionals to take action against diseases before they spread throughout the body and towards other individuals.
This also gives doctors enough time to come up with a management plan to prevent and stop the STD from spreading.
Types of STDs Covered in a Test Panel
A standard, complete STD test panel would include the following Infections and diseases:
Hepatitis B and C- A virus that attacks the liver, Hepatitis B and C are often tested through blood samples from infected patients.
HIV- A virus that attacks the functions of the Immune System, HIV is tested through collected blood samples from an infected patient.
Syphilis- A bacterial infection that can cause heavy damage to the body if left untreated. Syphilis is tested by blood samples of an infected individual.
Herpes Simplex Virus- A viral infection consisting of two types, HSV-1, which affects the oral cavity and HSV-2, which affects the genital areas of the patient. These are tested through blood samples of an infected individual.
Gonorrhea- A bacterial infection that affects the genitals, rectum, throat and eyes of a patient. Gonorrhea is tested through urine samples or a swab sample of the genitals of the infected patient.
Chlamydia- A common bacterial infection that affects the genital tract, throat, anus and eyes of the patient. Chlamydia can be tested through urine samples for men or a swab sample in the vaginal area for women.
Who should get tested for STDs?
Individuals with multiple sexual partners- if a person has had sexual intercourse with more than 1 partner, they should get tested for STDs, as they are now more likely to contract one due to most of the diseases being asymptomatic, while continuously spreading throughout the body.
Those experiencing symptoms like itching, pain, or unusual discharge- If you are having any of the aforementioned symptoms, you are required to go for an STD test. These symptoms usually mean you have an STI, and if you do not, there will be serious health complications.
People engaging in unprotected sex- If you have been taking part in constant sex without the use of protection, the risks of getting an STD are much higher. Hence, it is required that you get tested to prevent them from getting any STDs.
Pregnant Women- Pregnant women who engage in Sexual intercourse are required to take an STD test to protect their child from any diseases that might affect their health and their child.
Individuals with a history of STDs- If a person who has already contracted an STD needs to have very regular tests and needs to have monitoring for any potential new diseases that may affect them during sexual intercourse.
Symptoms that indicate you need an STD Test
Finding symptoms for any disease is vital to make a plan for combating it. The same can be said for finding any STDs beforehand to get a better STD test and get more accurate results. Below are a few symptoms to better understand what STD you may have, and to receive good testing.
Genital Area-
1.) Bumps, Lesions, and Sores
2. Burning and itching sensations
3.) Unusual discharges of foul-smelling, yellow or green excrement
4.) Swelling and pain
5.) Redness.
1. Painful, burning sensation while urinating.
2. Frequent Urination
3. Noticeable amounts of blood within the urine.
Sexual Intercourse-
1. Pain during intercourse.
Other Regular Symptoms-
1.) High Fever
2. Several consistent Body Aches
3. Feeling of fatigue
4.) Swelling of glands
5. Severe lower abdominal pain
6.) Sharp, acute pain in the testicular portion for males
7.) Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Different types of STD Tests & Packages are Available at Mediyaar Healthcare
Mediyaar Healthcare offers STD Test packages for male and female patients.
Syphilis Rapid Test- The Syphilis Rapid Blood Test goes over 1 parameter: to check for any antibodies against Treponema Pallidum, identify any infections or complications and prevent them from occurring.
Vdrl (RPR) For Syphilis- This test has 1 test parameter and is used to diagnose Treponema Pallidum, a bacterium that causes Syphilis.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)-IgM- A blood test containing 1 parameter, HSV-IGM is used to check for any early onsets of Herpes before infection.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)-IgG- A blood test that requires 1 test, HSV-IGG is usually given for a positive result, which suggests a recent or past HSV infection. This test can also be used on Pregnant women and people who are suffering from Herpes.
Herpes Simplex Virus I (HSV)-IgM- A blood test that requires 1 parameter, HSV-IgM is used to detect a small portion of the disease and give some indication of the recent infection.
Herpes Simplex Virus II (HSV)-IgM- A blood test with 1 test parameter, it is used to find out early signs of Herpes infections.
Hiv - Western Blot- A blood test with 1 test parameter. This test finds out if a patient is diagnosed with HIV by doing a positive antibody screening test and searching for antibodies of HIV for proof of infection.
HIV-1, RNA Qualitative PCR- A blood test with 1 parameter. This test finds the presence of the HIV-1 virus, providing early diagnosis with treatment plans.
HIV 1 - 2 Antibody Rapid Test- A blood test with 1 test parameter. This test uses antibodies from HIV-1 and 2 to detect HIV, quickly enabling a screening for HIV.
HIV-1, RNA Quantitative PCR- A blood test with 1 test parameter. This test searches for the HIV-1 virus and aids in diagnosis and treatment.
Anti Hepatitis E Virus (anti-Hev) - IgM- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test is used for the detection of antibodies against the Hepatitis E virus, helping discover disorders, estimating immunity status, and monitoring recovery.
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Quantitative PCR- A blood test with 1 parameter, this test searches for the presence of HCV genetic material within the bloodstream and aids in the process of HCV Infection diagnosis.
Hepatitis E Virus Antibody IgM (hevm) Rapid Test- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test detects viral genetic materials or antibodies related to Hepatitis E and helps diagnose it.
Hepatitis E Virus IgG- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test detects genetic material related to Hepatitis E Infection and aids it diagnosing it.
Anti Hepatitis A Virus (anti-HAV) - IgM- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test suggests the presence of Hepatitis A and creates a diagnosis for HAV within the last 6 months, to an active one.
Hepatitis C Virus - IgM- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test detects HCV genetic material in the bloodstream to aid in the diagnosis of the infection.
Hepatitis C Virus - IgG- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test detects the presence of HCV genetic material within the bloodstream, aiming for the diagnosis of HCV.
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Qualitative PCR- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test detects hepatitis B markers, following assessment of infection status, guides the treatment and evaluates Liver health.
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Qualitative PCR- A blood test with 1 test parameter, this test scans for HCV genetic material within the blood and helps diagnose HCV infection.
STD Profile Basic- A blood test with 12 parameter tests, which allows tests to detect sexually transmitted diseases and provides a complete overview of a patient’s sexual health.
How STD Testing is Done?
Procedure- STD Testing is done by collecting samples from several areas of the body, such as Blood, Urine or swabs from places such as the genitals, mouth, and rectum, and then are sent to a lab for evaluation and results. The procedure goes as follows:
1.) Consult a doctor- Through consultation with a doctor, noting down a patient’s sexual history, as well as telling the symptoms the patient has, can determine what STD the patient may have contracted.
2.) Tests and Samples- After consulting a doctor, the patient must be recommended tests to be done by the specialist based on their situation and STD. Then the patient will be asked to submit some samples. They can be Blood test samples, Urine test Samples or Swab test Samples, which include the Genital Swab, Oral Swab and Sore/Blister Swab.
3.) Sample Analysis- The samples and tests are then sent to a laboratory where specialists will detect and analyse specific STDs. There are different tests based on STDs, such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia, and Serological tests for HIV and syphilis.
4.) Results and Follow-up- The patient then receives the test results from the doctor and discusses the recommended treatment and management needed for the patient’s well-being. It is also advisable that the patient talk to their partner regarding their STD positivity and follow up with the doctor.
How accurate are STD Tests?
STD accuracy is generally very high to many professional healthcare providers, and several factors go into the accuracy to make it easier to understand:
Type of STD- Some STDs are much more manageable and easier to look for than others, and how accurate the test can be will depend on which infection was contracted.
Timing of Testing- It is vital for a patient suffering from an STD to test at the approximate time after the patient received an STD, as it makes the accuracy as close as possible to a better answer.
Type of Test- Different tests can lead to different summaries and evaluations, and the correct test can be very accurate to the STD the patient had received to combat it much quicker and more effectively.
How the test was administered- Another vital means of finding the accuracy of an STD test is by doing it at the patient’s home or in a hospital.
Where to get an STD Test Panel in Chandigarh?
Mediyaar Healthcare provides top-notch care and support for running diagnostic tests by Thyrocares related to STD/STI patients and offers user-friendly customer care for STD screening services.
Cost of STD Test Packages in Chandigarh
STD test package prices range from Rs. 195 to Rs. 5499, with some options giving essential, advanced and complete screenings, with home sample collection and quick turnaround times being included in each option.
Confidentiality and Privacy in STD Testing
The protection of the privacy and confidentiality of a patient is vital during STD testing as it ensures any private or personal information regarding the patient is kept hidden and enables them to partake in the testing without the fear of their results being public information.
Being a sensitive topic, STD testing under confidentiality can lead to a less stressful testing procedure.
This also builds up trust between the patient and the doctor taking the test.
How to book STD Test online in Chandigarh with Mediyaar Healthcare?
To book an STD Test online, visit the Mediyaar Healthcare website, look for the desired test package needed, select the appropriate time, location for the patient’s likeness and complete the booking process.
Taking care of your sexual health is a very important aspect of your well-being, and by completing STD tests regularly, you can prevent, detect and treat it well before it makes an appearance. Mediyaar Healthcare is offering safe, secure, and accessible STD Test Packages in Chandigarh. This makes sure that you get easy access to the test results, which are as accurate as possible, from the comfort of being in your home. If you feel like you are experiencing symptoms, or are having more than one partner at a time, or are simply want to remain at the top of your health, getting an STD test will surely grant you a sense of responsibility for your future health.
Book your STD test today! Mediyaar Healthcare will help youtake control of your sexual health with confidence!
Labs in Chandigarh offering packages similar to STD Test Packages
Dr Lal PathLabs - Patient Service Centre
Booth No 52, Phase 7, Sector 61, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Chandigarh, Punjab 160055
Phone No 0172 509 8852
Swasthik Labs Chandigarh
Booth No. 391, Sector 32D, Sector 32, Chandigarh, 160031
Phone No 092573 02333
Promise Laboratories - SRL Diagnostics lab
Kamal's P Square, Nada Rd, near Old SBI ATM and Suresh Clinic, Shivalik Vihar, Nayagaon, 160103
Phone No 085689 90340
Sai Clinical Laboratory f.floor rama market, Sector 13, Chandigarh, 160101
Phone No 098149 91080
Redcliffe Labs - Chandigarh(NABL/ISO Approved Lab)
SCO/171, 1st Floor, near Lal Sweets, Sector 37 C, Sector 37, Chandigarh, 160036
Phone No 089889 88787
SCF 9 Back Side Entry, Franco Hotel Road, Phase 6, Sector 56, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, 160055
Global Clinical Laboratory
SCF 82, FIRST FLOOR, PHASE 5, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 160059
Dr Lal PathLabs Patient Service Centre
SCO-153, MAIN MARKET, near Prime Diagnostic, Sector 24D, Chandigarh, 160023
Phone No 062804 92191
TruCare Diagnostics
S.C.O 64, Sector 32-C, near Union Bank Of India, Chandigarh 160030
Phone No 06284 659 505
Dr Lal PathLabs Patient Service Centre
SCO 360, top floor, Sector 44, Chandigarh, 160044
Medicos Centre
SCO 801, 802, Udyog Path, opposite Parade Ground, Sector 22A, Sector 22, Chandigarh, 160022
Phone No 0172 502 2111
Metropolis Healthcare Ltd
SCO -28, Sector 11-D, Chandigarh 160011
Phone No 0172 462 0088
Tarun Clinical Lab
SCO 58, first floor, Sector 46, Chandigarh, 160047
Phone No 098880 15161
Prime Pathology Laboratory
SCO 20 Entry Backside, 10D, Chandigarh, 160011
Phone No 098769 99717
Dr Lal PathLabs Chandigarh - Sector 37D
Booth no 21, SOYA HUB, 37D, near Sector 36, near TRICITY MEDIA PRINT, near 38, 37D, Chandigarh, 160036
Phone No 078888 09069
Pathcare Lab
3011, Sector 41D, Vidya Path, near National Highway 3, Chandigarh, 160036
Phone No 086990 07729
604 Phase 1, road, opp. Post office francho hotel, Sector 55, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 160055
Phone No 097816 08881
Shiv Shakti Diagnostic Laboratory
and D, Booth No 222, Sector 38C, near HDFC Bank, Sector 38-D, Chandigarh, 160036
Phone No 088472 68634
Chandigarh Diagnostic Centre
SCO 402, 37D, Sector 37, Chandigarh, 160036
Phone No 06284 202 484
Agilus Diagnostics - Sector 61 Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
S, C. O, 16, 17, Sector, 20, D, Sector 20D, Sector 20, Chandigarh, 160020
Plus Point Laboratory Sector-16 D Chandigarh
S.C, F 19, Sector 16D, Chandigarh 160016
Phone No 098888 47186
Dr Lal Path Lab
Booth No 52, Phase 7, Sector 61, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Chandigarh, Punjab 160055
Phone No 0172 509 8852
Dr Lal PathLabs
Chandigarh Road,Near khalsa School,Nawan Shahar, Road, Punjab 144514
Phone No 0182 350 3241
Helix Path Labs
CHEEMA MEDICAL COMPLEX, Phase 4, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 160059
Phone No 0172 401 2861
Redcliffe Labs - Collection Center
Booth No 707, Shivalik Enclave, Sector 13, Chandigarh, Panchkula, Chandigarh 160101
B.M. Clinical Lab
Shop No. 9, opposite CHAWLA HOSPITAL, Phase 7, Sector 61, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Chandigarh, Punjab 160059
Phone No 098159 41532
Satyam Clinical Laboratory
h no, 2332, near Police Post and Near Mandir, Sector 45C, Sector 45, Chandigarh, 160047
Phone No 094173 33957
Chandigarh Diagnostic Laboratories
S.C.F. 14, 1st,2nd & 3rd Floor, opposite , Phase 7, Sector 61, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 160062
Phone No 0172 505 3866
Chandigarh Clinical Laboratories
SCO 9, Sector 16 D, Sector 16, Chandigarh, 160015
Phone No 097810 70222
Health Care Clinical Laboratory
760 phase, 2, Ram Darbar, Chandigarh, 160002
Phone No 098030 31760
Metropolis Healthcare Ltd
Shop No 58 Sector 16 D Market, near PGIMER, Sector 11, Chandigarh, 160015
Uttam Laboratory & ECG Centre - Laboratory/Urine/Blood Testing Lab In Chandigarh
SCO No 89, Sector 40C, Sector 40D, Chandigarh, 160036
Phone No 084279 05760
Agilus Diagnostics Sector 49 A Chandigarh
Booth No. 20, Sector-49A, Block A, Sector 49, Chandigarh, 160047
Phone No 0172 408 5880
Redcliffe Labs - Collection Center
Booth No 46, Sector 11D, Sector 11, Chandigarh, 160011
Phone No 082190 64004
D Path Lab
Booth No, 924, Local Bus Stand Rd, New Motor Market, Sector 13, Chandigarh, Panchkula, Chandigarh 160101
Phone No 099885 88909
Dr Lal PathLabs Patient Service Centre
SCO- 25, Industrial Area, Industrial Area Mohali Phase 9, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 140308
Mirchias Diagnostics in Mani Majra, Chandigarh
Kalka Road, Mani Majra, Mani Majra, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160101
Phone No 172 273 3049
Max Lab Sector 11D Chandigarh
Shop No. 481/4, Near Punjab National Bank, Village Maloya, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, 160025
Sharma Health Aid Diagnostics
Booth No. 251, Mini Market Sector 47-C, Chandigarh, 160047
Phone No 099886 70844
An STD test package is multiple tests compiled into one for checking a patient for any potential STDs or STIs in a patient in a single, simple process.
No, fasting is not required for an STD test, as the tests are for the patient's blood and urine samples, which are not affected by food or drink intake.
Anyone who is sexually active, has or has had multiple partners, is gay and Transgender, is a pregnant woman, has unprotected sex, and is a younger or older woman should be eligible to take the tests.
The benefit of STD testing is early detection, which leads to quick and prompt treatment and prevents many complications and transmission to partners, stopping long-term health issues from happening.
STD testing is done through blood samples, urine samples and swab tests around the Genital, Oral and Rectal areas of the patient.
Yes, STD testing is generally considered secure and confidential, as the only individuals who can view the results are the healthcare professional and the patient.
Mediyaar Healthcare offers multiple test panels for STDs and can help with tests and sample collection services.
Yes, Mediyaar Healthcare offers direct services at home for both testing and sample collection for analysis at labs.
If you test positive for an STD, your healthcare professional will discuss treatment options depending on which STD it may be and be sure to notify your sexual partner so they can get tested and treated.
If you are sexually active regularly, frequent visits to the doctor would be necessary, but it generally varies every 3-6 months for partners who engage in unprotected sexual intercourse.